
Årsrapport - mänskliga rättigheter 2016/2017

Vi har undersökt situationen när det gäller mänskliga rättigheter i 159 länder och territorier, resultatet presenteras i vår årsrapport som vi ger ut varje år.
Huvudbudskapet i årets rapport handlar om att 2016 var ett år då retoriken av "vi- mot dom" fick fäste, och där ledare bland annat pekade ut grupper av människor som hot mot den nationella säkerheten och gjorde dem till syndabockar.
   - Ju fler länder som duckar från sina åtaganden om grundläggande mänskliga rättigheter, desto större risk för en dominoeffekt, säger Amnestys generalsekreterare Salil Shetty.
   Det rapporten också tydligt visar är att under 2016 stod världen som tysta åskådare samtidigt som vidriga grymheter pågick ibland annat i Syrien, Jemen och Sudan – från bombandet av sjukhus till användandet av kemiska vapen.

Korta fakta

   - I minst 23 länder begicks krigsbrott.
   - Minst 36 länder tvingade olagligen tillbaka flyktingar till ett land där deras rättigheter hotades.
   - I minst 22 länder dödades människor som fredligt stått upp för mänskliga rättigheter.
Läs hela rapporten på engelska här »

Nedan finns det avsnitt som handlar
om Sverige i rapporten.

Kingdom of Sweden
Head of state: King Carl XVI Gustaf
Head of government: Stefan Löfven
New restrictions on residence permits and family reunification for refugees and others granted protection came into force. Roma and Sami peoples faced ongoing discrimination. A parliamentary committee published recommendations to reform inadequate laws on rape.


In June, Parliament passed a temporary law affecting people entitled to international protection that would apply for three years after coming into force in July. The law limits the length of the residence permits given to persons granted protection, from permanent residence permits to temporary permits of three years for persons granted refugee status and of 13 months for persons granted subsidiary protection. The law also withdrew the possibility of family reunification for those granted subsidiary protection.

Two UN Committees expressed serious concerns about Sweden’s treatment of Roma citizens of other European countries. In April, the UN Human Rights Committee called on Sweden to ensure that Roma had equal access to opportunities and services, citing concerns about their limited access to education, employment, housing and health care. In July, the UN ICESCR Committee raised similar concerns, including the resulting vulnerability to forced eviction of many Roma living in informal settlements. Romani people remained at risk of hate crimes based on their ethnicity. In July, the District Court of Stockholm found that the Skåne police database of nearly 5,000 Swedish-Roma people constituted ethnic discrimination and breached Swedish law. The Court awarded compensation to the complainants for the harm suffered; an appeal by the state was pending at the end of the year. The UN Human Rights Committee and the ICESCR Committee, in April and July respectively, raised continuing concerns about the ability of Sami people to enjoy the rights of Indigenous Peoples, notably their land rights.

In April, the government announced a scheme to provide financial compensation to transgender people who had been required to undergo forced sterilization to legally change their gender.

In October, the 2014 Sexual Offences Committee inquiry into sexual offences presented its proposals to the government. They included the introduction of a consent based definition of rape, and liability for negligence for sexual offences.1

The Inspectorate of Strategic Products (ISP) − the national authority charged with the control and compliance of defence material and dual-use products − cleared the sale by the Saab Group of the advanced air radar system GlobalEye to the United Arab Emirates. Concerns raised by journalists alleging a lack of due diligence prior to the 2010 sale of the Saab 2000 airborne early warning and Erieye control system to Saudi Arabia, were left unanswered as the ISP’s records remained classified. Concerns remained regarding the possible use of these technologies by the Saudi Arabia-led coalition in the conflict in Yemen to commit or facilitate serious violations of international human rights and humanitarian law.

1. Sweden: Submission to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (EUR 42/3305/2016)

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